Here is my tale of how I smashed my writer’s block to smithereens.
I was writing a book titled Critical Thinking Now: Practical Teaching Methods for Classrooms around the World. I had already written several journal articles about this topic, so I was confident in what I wanted to say. But when I set about writing it, all of these dark shadows started forming around me saying things like, “You don’t know anything about this topic.” “You’re not smart enough to write this book.” “Why don’t you let us experts write about this?"
Finally, the din became so great that I stopped writing. I became paralyzed, convinced I knew nothing. Finally, after several days of being tortured by these invisible know-it-all voices, I decided to write down what they were saying. When I read these comments, I became incensed. Having them written down was clarifying. I replied to "them": Well, if you think you’re the one to write this book, then why haven’t you? No one has the perspective I have on this topic.” I finished the book without a hiccup after that.
Do you have ghosts haunting you? Your 7th-grade teacher who crucified your essay? Sister Agnes who called your ideas puerile? How about your mother, who said you’d never amount to anything? Fight back. Your writing is your gift to the world. Don’t let anyone tell you it isn’t “good” enough.